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These Internet pages present the information and the communication service of the company ELKA d.o.o., Zagreb. By using them or by taking over of the files published on them, you agree with all the below stated conditions. In case of disagreement with the conditions, do not use the Internet pages, i.e. do not take over the files from them.
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The information stated on these Internet pages are published in good faith and the company ELKA d.o.o. considers them to be correct. The party intending to buy a product should not rely on them, and we recommend that the interested party should send a specific inquiry related to the product features or the suitability of its application for the specific scope. In compliance with the above stated, all information on these pages are delivered without any explicit guarantee.
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The information on these pages may contain some technical incorrectness and typing errors. They can be changed or published without a previous announcement. ELKA d.o.o. can publish without a previous notification the improvements and/or the changes at the products described on these Internet pages.
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Privacy and confidentiality are the values recognized and estimated by ELKA d.o.o. In that sense we shall take care of the safety and the integrity of all the details of private nature, with full adherence to the adequate laws.