We are pleased that we can present our company to you. On the following pages, we will introduce you our history, our goals, our approach to work and our range of products.
ELKA d.o.o.
Based upon the Decision of the Supervisory Board of ELKA d.d., the company ELKA kabeli d.o.o., was founded by the end of year 2003. as the affiliate company in the 100 % ownership of ELKA d.d.. The business activities of the newly founded company started on January 1, 2004., what was also verified by the Decision of the ELKA d.d. assembly in February 2004. Based upon the Decision of ELKA d.d. assembly, the entire cable activities of ELKA d.d. and the assets related to the cable production were transferred to the company ELKA kabeli d.o.o. In this way ELKA kabeli d.o.o. has become a business successor of ELKA d.d., determined to continue the long-term tradition of the cable activities.
After the international tender, the ELKA d.d. assembly verified the Contract on the sale and the transfer of the business share of the company ELKA kabeli d.o.o. to the company EPM Usluge d.o.o., by the end of May 2004.
Upon verification of the Contract covering the sale and the transfer of the business share, EPM Usluge d.o.o., the company in the majority-ownership of the present management of ELKA kabeli d.o.o. , has become the only owner of ELKA d.o.o
At present, ELKA d.o.o. has a total of 285 employees. The annual capacities support a production of 25.000 tons of different products. For more than 80 years Elka has been creating new development programs, and it has realised a successful sale not only at the home market, but also abroad. ELKA’s presence at the renowned fairs all around the world draws attention and serves as a basis for the realisation of numerous and successful partner’s relationships. And finally, all that has been achieved owing to the experienced and highly-educated specialists, and the investments into the new capacities and the modernisation of the existing plants.